Mastering Medical Teaching

An Educational Framework for Analyzing and Improving Teaching

Streaming on Demand


Clinical teachers face a wide array of challenges—time constraints, different learning styles, varying levels of learners—just to name a few. In this webinar, Kelley Skeff, MD, PhD and Georgette Stratos, PhD, co-founders of the Stanford Faculty Development Center for Medical Teachers, will outline a comprehensive framework for analyzing and improving teaching effectiveness. This non-prescriptive approach can be applied, regardless of the teaching philosophy you use, to a broad range of learners, content areas, and instructional settings.

You Will Learn to:
  • Analyze and reflect on your teaching using a common language
  • Examine and break down your teaching in a structured and comprehensive manner
  • Recognize what we see—and what we may not see—in teaching interactions
[email protected] | 650-204-3984

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Kelley M. Skeff, MD, PhD
Co-director, Stanford Faculty Development Center; Residency Program Director, Associate Chair for Education
Stanford University School of Medicine

Specialty: Internal Medicine
Kelley has trained over 400 faculty development trainers who have delivered teaching improvement courses to over 30,000 medical faculty and residents, postdoctoral scholars, and social work faculty in over 20 countries in North and South America, Europe, Australia, Middle East, and Asia.

Georgette A. Stratos, MA, PhD
Co-Director, Stanford Faculty Development Center for Medical Teachers
Stanford University School of Medicine

Specialty: Educational Psychology, Developmental Sociolinguistics
Georgette has trained over 400 faculty development trainers to deliver teaching improvement courses in Clinical Teaching, End-of-Life Care, Geriatrics in Primary Care, Medical Decision Making, Preventive Medicine, and Professionalism in Contemporary Practice. Over 30,000 medical teachers, postdoctoral scholars, and social work faculty from over 20 countries have attended these courses. In addition, she has presented teaching improvement workshops to thousands of teachers around the world.

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