Management Science and Engineering

Stanford School of Engineering offers graduate programs to earn a certificate or Master's degree.

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The Management Science and Engineering Graduate programs we offer each give you a strong foundation for a strategic decision-making mindset, and the opportunity to design your own plan of study at the crossroads of policy, management, and technology. Develop analytical skills that will drive key business improvements across a range of sectors. Understand the science behind successful management practices as you learn how to build effective systems and organizations.
  • Join a Stanford classroom from your laptop.
  • Enroll in a flexible program designed for professionals like you.
  • Earn graduate credit and a Stanford University transcript.

Featured Chemical Engineering Courses


Biochemical Engineering

Combine essential chemical engineering concepts and biological principles to address the needs of the biotech industry. 


Biochemistry II

This course will focus on metabolic biochemistry: the study of chemical reactions that provide the cell with the energy and raw materials necessary for life. 



In this course, you will review the basics of fluid dynamics and macro, micro and molecular perspectives. 

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Molecular Thermodynamics

Learn about classical thermodynamics and quantum mechanics, and the development of statistical thermodynamics to address the collective behavior of molecules. 


Electrochemical Energy Conversion

This course covers the fundamentals of electrochemistry, and then builds on that knowledge to cover the applications of electrochemistry in energy conversion.

Graduate or Professional?

Time Commitment


Classmate Interactions


Graduate Certificate 

360-480 hours per certificate

Earn a credential that will make your resume stand out from the crowd

Meet new colleagues in each new course to create your Stanford network

$16,224-$27,040 per certificate

Graduate Course

90-120 hours per course

Earn up to 18 units of academic credit that may contribute to a certificate or a degree

Connect with other students taking the same course

$4,056-$6,760 per course

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Management Science and Engineering Graduate Certificate

You will learn:

  • Approaches to advance education and research in engineering the built and natural environments.
  • How to emphasize long-term sustainability and how to use technologies from materials science, physics, biology, mathematics, computing, and the social sciences.
  • How to design and manage the buildings and cities, dams and water systems, highway networks, and energy grids that support our daily lives.
Management Science and Engineering MS Degree
You will learn:

  • Techniques to integrate project information that's made seamlessly accessible to support a diverse team.
  • The science behind successful management practices as you learn how to build effective systems and organizations.
  • We offer two flexible formats to earn the degree:
    1. An online full-time option: complete your degree entirely online, remotely. This option is only available to students pursuing the speciality Technology and Engineering Management.
    2. A hybrid, part-time option: choose an area of speciality and enroll in courses offered either on-campus or online.
Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Program: Project Risk Analysis and Assessment Track
You will learn:
  • How risks can be mitigated through proper assessment, mitigation, and decision making.
  • Understanding cutting edge tools and approaches for project risk analysis and assessment that incorporate a broad range of social, environmental, and economic indicators.
  • Learn a range of quantitative skills, computational tools, and approaches to support “go” or “no go” decision-making, project financing choices, and project risk mitigation.
Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Program: Venture Creation for the Real Economy Track

You will learn:

  • Key elements of new venture creation for the real economy.
  • How to identify opportunities, develop business plans, determine funding sources, develop products and services, and manage innovation.
  • How to successfully launch impactful business ideas, governmental initiatives, and non-profit entities.
Management Science and Engineering Master's Degree
You will learn:
  • To develop analytic abilities, make better decisions, and develop and execute strategies while also leading people who innovate.
  • To addresses the technical as well as the behavioral challenges of running organizations and complex systems, emphasizing quantitative analytic skills and an entrepreneurial spirit.
  • How to conduct experiments to design better systems, organizations and work processes.


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Take online courses in marketing innovation from Stanford University. Hone your ability to generate and implement new ideas and lead innovative teams and organizations. Taught by world-class Stanford faculty, these courses are engaging, interactive, and full of useful practices and strategies that you can apply immediately:

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